David Bowie is.

AladdinSaw “David Bowie Is” today.  An amazing exhibit.  Lots of costumes that he designed and wore over the years at various performances and saw original handwritten lyrics to several songs along with never-before-seen video footage and audio.   It was quite amazing to see the actual Ziggy Stardust costumes that he wore on stage waay back.  These were not copies.  These were from Bowie’s own vast collection of personal items from his career.  The cool suits and outrageous outfits that he dared to wear.  A great show.  You know when someone famous dies?  Someone that you really liked suddenly dies and they show a compilation of their best work on TV?  And you feel sad because you realize as you watch the clips of all their work together that they really were brilliantly talented?  Well this show did that for me.  But Bowie is still very much alive and if this year’s comeback album “The Next Day” is any indication, Bowie is still relevant and still very much influential after more than 40 years of churning out rock music recordings and live performances.   I smiled all the way through the show it as it took me back to my Bowie-influenced childhood, adolescence and young adult hood.  And the music!  Each display that you visited had it’s own music and audio track.  Again and again I was amazed by how terrific the music was — how terrific the music still is!   A great exhibit indeed. http://www.ago.net/david-bowie-is/ http://www.seetorontonow.com/event/david-bowie-is-coming-to-the-ago/?cid=pds_things%2Bto%2BdoygfCSThd&gclid=CJKFiM-dx7oCFS4aOgod-3EAkw

1 thought on “David Bowie is.

  1. Well said. Went home and watched the “Live by Request” show I mentioned to you. You can find the full show on YouTube if you are interested. He is still a much loved and talented performer. Being a relevant contributor for sooooo many years, the number of people’s lives he’s touched or influenced in some way is in the millions. The exhibit reminded me of just how much of a Bowie fan I am.
    I’m hoping with the popularity of this exhibit that that there may be more in the works of this kind. Enjoyed it immensely. I think I would have been just as happy to sit in front of a video screen and watch all the old footage.

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